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Tengo Novio

Jae-Lynn Berger

Today started off with breakfast: omelets and fresh fruit. Then we meet our driver, Lester’s, family and headed to Virbo, Lester’s church. It was an amazing experience as we saw the passion in everyone there, young and old. Even though singing in Spanish was difficult, we all tried hard to sing, or acted like we knew what we were singing. I was getting distracted by Isabela (Lester’s daughter), and her precious laugh, as she put her hair in my face. After church we went back to the Nehemiah Center and had lunch, then got ready to go to the ocean. We had an hour and a half drive to get to the beach, to fill that time we blasted music and sang our hearts out. Emma and Jayden were really into the Taylor Swift, “22”, and “Trouble” songs. I don’t think I have ever heard a guy sing so high pitched. Then we arrived at the ocean. The majority of us raced to get in the water. After only a few waves crashed over us, Emma, Jess, and I, could barely see, as our eyes were burning from the salt. While our eyes were burning, Aliya was sitting on the beach taking photos. A guy approached her, whistled, and told her he loved her. Later when she told this to Senorita. H, she suggested that we say, “Tengo novio” to anyone who would approach us like that. Tengo novio means, “I have a boyfriend.” We had many laughs over a delicious dinner (as Jayden ate more chicken than his body weight). After dinner we packed up and headed back to the Nehemiah Center and prepared for our busy day back at Centro de Fe tomorrow. Buenos noches!

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March 12: Leave 
March 13:
March 14:

March 15:

March 16:

March 17:

March 18:

March 19:

March 20:

March 21: Return home

Managua, Nicaragua

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